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Our volunteers are overloaded with requests just like yours.
Responses may take a few weeks. Be sure to provide all the details we need.
Thank you for your patience.


We welcome your questions,
suggestions, ideas, and feedback.

Research Notice

RMWHS may be able to provide the answer to a specific question or identify/recommend resources (books, maps, city records, genealogies, etc.) that could be of aid to you.  However, we cannot take on large research projects for you.

  • GENERAL QUESTIONS - You must ask a specific questions.
    Examples are: When did the Manayunk Club burn down? Where was the Indian Hotel located? Do you have any info on the unusual symbols used by Kelpius and the monks? Do you know of any reports of Roxborough being hit by a Tornado?


  • VITAL RECORDS - We don't have a registry of vital records or a computer database to search -- we recommend or for these. (These are also good for census and military records.)
  • BURIAL LOCATIONS - Always check first for burial. If you can't find info on someone you believe to be buried in either the Leverington Cemetery or the Roxborough Baptist Burial Ground,  our archivists might be able to help. Be sure to include all relevant details to identify that individual ( full first-middle-last name, date of birth, date of death, spouse's name). We don't need or want the entire tree -- it will slow us down if you overwhelm us with too much.

  • FAMILY HISTORY RESEARCH - We cannot research everyone in your family tree. Pick a key individual, married couple, siblings, etc.  as the focus of your inquiry. Provide the full name(s), date of birth, date of death, and any details you have that will help. Ensure your question is concise, clear, and complete. For example: My grandfather Bernard Clack graduated from RHS in 1952 -- do  you have the 1952 RHS yearbook or any RHS class photos for 1950-1952? He might show up in a baseball photo.


Privacy & Use - Your personal information will be protected in accordance with the RMWHS Privacy Policy. However, the research done by our volunteer archivists/genealogists is property of RMWHS and may be shared/discussed with other RMWHS members, visiting students, researchers, etc., at the discretion of RMWHS archivists/genealogists.

Credit, Citation, & Copyright - You may also share/discuss the results of the research RMWHS provides but any credits, citations, and/or copyright notes on any materials we provided to you must remain including third-party citations.  Contact us if you have questions.

Donations - Donations for our efforts are very appreciated. Our volunteers work without pay and all monies donated will be used for continued preservation of the Archive and expanding/enhancing our efforts to share our history with the community.

RMWHS and its archivists reserve the right to decline any requests that would unduly tax our volunteers' time or are beyond the scope of RMWHS focus and resources.

We will not share your personal contact information beyond the RMWHS team member or fulfillment partner that needs to address your inquiry or research request.  RMWHS Privacy Policy.

Select all that apply:

Thank you for your interest in the

Roxborough Manayunk Wissahickon
Historical Society

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